Minecraft modders get Discord Love.
A few months back the guys over at Technic started talking to us about Discord. They were early fans and after some time we decided to work with them and collaborate where it made sense. A few others have done it as well so we’re excited to see Technic join the crew. Discord would not be where it is today without the support of amazing game communities like Technic, so we appreciate their support and we hope you check them out and use them if you’re into top tier Minecraft mods.

So what does it mean for you as a Mod pro? You should visit the Technic blog for all the details.

Our personal favorite excerpt comes from the end:
“These days, it’s hard to take endorsements seriously- it seems like every time one group is talking up another on the internet, some money exchanged hands or there’s some kind of business deal in the works. For that reason, I want to draw attention to something: we’re not in any sort of partnership with Discord. No money has changed hands, we’re not getting anything in return for adding this integration or talking them up. We just really, really, really like Discord. We think it’s going to make Minecraft more fun to play. And as a result, we think that if we add integration, you’ll like Technic better and play us more. That’s all there is to it. We hope you enjoy playing with Discord and we hope that we can add a lot more integration over the weeks and months to come, so that you can get the most out of your Discord Server!”

Awwww shucks! WE LOVE YOU GUYS TOO!!!