A Beginner’s Guide to using Discord Apps

Welcome, community moderators and admins! You’re about to have access to thousands of apps directly on Discord: our brand-new App Directory, rolling out in October 2022, lets you browse and install apps through curated collections and categories (such as games, moderation, and entertainment), and search through a diverse library of applications built by our incredible community of app developers.

New to apps on Discord? Here’s a short guide to help you turn from a rookie to an app pro, just like the millions of users who interact with Discord apps every day!

Who builds these apps? 

You do! Or you might know one of the thousands of talented, creative, and hard-working Discord users around the world who make apps! Our Discord Developer community has been a place for programmers of all skill levels to meet each other, experiment and iterate together, and grow their skills. 

How do I find Discord apps? 

There are a handful of easy ways to discover apps. The newest way (and most exciting!) is to head to the App Directory, which you can find in Server Settings > App Directory if you’re a moderator or admin, or visit the App Directory here.

An illustration of laptop that has the new App Directory opened on Discord.

You can also type a slash (“/”) in your chat input to bring up a list of app commands available in the server already: the app icons are listed vertically on the left. Last but not least, you might be in a server that already has some apps installed. Check the server’s member list for names with a “Bot” tag — that’s an app!

How do I use apps? 

All you need to do is type a slash (“/”) in the chat input bar to see a list pop-up of all the available Slash Commands in the server. If you’re in a server that already has apps, usually there are already tons of people already interacting with it — ask your servermates what the Slash Commands do, or watch a friend use them if you’re too shy to try ‘em yourself.

How do I add Discord apps to my server? 

First, you must have the “Manage Server” permission on you or your role in order to add apps to a server. If you have the necessary permissions, you can access the App Directory in Server Settings. 

You can also use the “Add to Server” button from an app’s profile. After using either the App Directory or Add to Server button, you’ll see a dropdown list of available servers you have permission to add the app to. You’ll be asked to accept the app’s necessary permissions first (every app is different!), and then you’re good to go.

How do I know what info the app will be able to access when I add it to my server? 

See that image above of the necessary permissions? When you go to add an app to your server, it will display a list of what info the app will be able to access if you continue. This is usually things like accessing your username (just the name, not your whole account!), or knowing what servers you’re in (so it knows where to go!). 

Anything listed here is required for the app to do its magic, and every app has different requirements. After you say you’re okay with what it needs, you’ll see a list of checkboxes for permissions you want to give the app - just like you would with a user - like sending messages (so you can talk to it), managing nicknames, moderating members, or managing emoji and stickers.

You can learn more about what sorts of data apps can utilize over here

How do I learn how to use a specific app? 

Some developers include a command in their apps designed to help you out, such as /about or /help. You can also visit the app’s official server on Discord listed on the app’s page on the App Directory. 

Sometimes their server is just for support, while others are for fans of the app where they can try the latest iterations that the developer is releasing and meet others in the app’s fan community. 

As described in our Terms of Service, the developer of an app is responsible for the app and you should review any terms and policies provided by the developer that apply to its use.

Can I customize the app for myself or my server? 

Many apps offer customizations, like adding your own questions to a trivia app or having more detailed stats. Sometimes these are part of their own premium app subscription offerings, which you can learn about in the next question, which is…

How do I support the developer of an app I like? 

Spread the word! Tell others about the app, add it to more of your servers so more people can see it, and spread the love! Some developers may seek out feedback on their app, so join their official server via the app’s Directory page and see if there are opportunities to help ‘em out. 

And soon, you’ll soon be able to help keep them in business by supporting them financially! We’re currently testing out Premium App subscriptions, which means you can subscribe to an app you love directly within Discord they have a premium offering. 

You’ll be able to do this in the App Directory, on your Integrations page in Server Settings, or in the app’s user profile. After you’ve subscribed, you can manage this subscription in User Settings > Subscriptions. 

Note: At the time of publication, Premium App subscriptions are in a closed alpha phase. You may come across some apps in the Directory that have it early! If you’re a developer with a premium offering and want to apply for the closed alpha, you can do so here.

These are just the basics to get you started. There’s a whole world of app-based fun, customization, time-savers, and memes out there, and we’re bouncing with joy that our Discord communities are now going to have direct access to them! Keep an eye out for that hidden gem that’s just right for you.

If you’re learning to code or you’re already a pro and are interested in joining our community, hop on over to our official Discord Developer server! We’d love to have you. 

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