Wumpus is playing their cool space game while talking with their friends on Discord while holding a controller and wearing a gaming headset. Four friends are online, talking alongside Wumpus.
How to Discord

How to Talk with Friends in Crossplay Games Using Discord

If you’re tired of stacking your headset over your phone’s earbuds to chat with your Discord friends or having your phone permanently in a call while you play, listen up: there’s a better way to talk on voice with your friends while playing your favorite games.

Nowadays, you can connect to a Discord call directly from your gaming console, including PlayStation 5®, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One consoles! Read on to learn how to best stay connected on voice chat while playing your favorite cross-platform games.

Before Getting Started, Connect Your Accounts!

Before you can with your friends on either PS5®, Xbox Series X|S, or Xbox One, you’ll first need to connect the account you use on those platforms to your Discord profile.  

On either desktop or mobile, head to User Settings > Connections. Here, you’ll be able to connect a wide range of social media or gaming accounts to your Discord profile. Today, we’ll focus on the PlayStation Network and Xbox options. 

A screenshot of the Connection page within User Settings.

Click on either PlayStation Network or Xbox and go through its respective sign-in process to authorize the account connection. If you have an account for both services, you can click the other one right after and connect that one as well! 

Once you’re done, your account will be listed on the Connections page. Now you’re ready to use Discord voice chat on console! 

While you’re here, you can also customize how the data from your newly connected account on Discord is displayed, letting your friends easily add you on Xbox or PlayStation!

How to Use Cross-Platform Voice Chat on PS5 with Discord

With our newest update to Discord on PlayStation 5, you can connect to Discord voice channels, DM calls or Group DM calls directly from your PS5 console! Grab your DualSense wireless controller and follow the steps below:

  • Press the “PlayStation” button to open the Control Center.
  • Navigate to the Game Base
  • In the Game Base, select the new “Discord” option. This will show all your servers AND an option to browse through your DMs and Group DMs.
  • Select a server, DM, or Group DM, then scope things out and see who may already be in a voice channel. 
  • Hit Join and… BOOM! You’re in. 

See? It’s like riding a bike: do it once and you’ll remember it forever. 

If you prefer visual aids and nice music, good news: We have a VIDEO all about this!! Grab your DualSense wireless controller and follow the instructions shown: 

Run into an issue along the way? Peek at our Discord and PlayStation® Network Connection Help Center article for step-by-step instructions. 

How to Use Cross-Platform Voice Chat on Xbox with Discord

For Xbox players, Discord Voice Chat lets you join a server’s voice channels on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Grab your controller and headset, sign in to your Xbox account on your console, and follow the steps below: 

  • Once you’re signed into your Xbox account, press the Guide button.
  • Open up the Parties & Chats tab, and you’ll see a familiar “Discord logo” listed! 
  • Select Discord, then scroll through the list of available Discord servers and voice channels to see where you want to talk in! 
  • Pick the voice channel you want, then hit “Join channel.” You’re in! 

Also great news: We have a GIF all about this!! Short, succinct, and gets you speeding into your Discord call. 

A GIF demonstrating how to connect to Discord voice channels on Xbox. It follows the same steps as previously mentioned.

While you’re in a voice channel, you can also stream your game to Discord! Learn all about how to stream your Xbox games to Discord here

And juuust in case, we also have a Help Center article you can reference when using Discord Voice chat on your Xbox: Discord and Xbox Connection FAQ.  

Or, Transfer Your Voice Call from Discord to Console Using the Desktop or Mobile App

If you’re already having a Discord conversion on desktop or mobile, you can also transfer your call from within Discord itself! This used to be the only way to use Discord calls on consoles — so consider this the “old-school method.” 

The next time you’re chillin’ a Discord call and decide that you should be calling from your console instead, you might notice a new button that looks like a tower with a controller next to it. Since you linked your gaming accounts to your Discord profile, it’s a new button for you to use! 

An ongoing Discord call on the desktop app. It highlights the “Transfer Voice to Xbox” and “Transfer to PlayStation” options.

Click this, and you’ll see two options: Transfer Voice to Xbox and Transfer to PlayStation

When you click Transfer Voice to Xbox, you’ll be presented with a QR code. Scan that, and it will open up the Xbox app on your mobile device. (Download it here if you haven’t already.) Select the Xbox console that you want to transfer your voice channel conversation to, and you’re good to go! 

If you decide to Transfer to PlayStation, you’ll immediately be presented with an option to choose a PS5 console associated with your PlayStation Network account to transfer your call to. Make sure the correct PS5 console is chosen, and hit Transfer Voice.

(If your PS5 is in Sleep Mode when you transfer your Discord call, it will turn your console on! Technology is rad.

Use Discord to Talk Where You Play, Wherever You Play

Now that you’re all set up, you can talk about what you’re playing, keep comms clear during crossplay gaming, watch movies and media with your friends, or just chill in a voice call when your console is the most convenient place to talk from.

Not sure what games you could play with your friends to make the most of cross-platform voice? Check out our Staff Picks blog series, where Discord employees talk about the games they’ve been checking out recently. You’re bound to find a new game to play!

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