Nelly, a robot hamster, floating and holding a flathead screwdriver.
Engineering & Developers

How Discord Seamlessly Upgraded Millions of Users to 64-Bit Architecture

32-Bits Can Go a Long Way

If you’ve made it to this blog post, you likely know Discord as a desktop application where you talk, play, and hang out while gaming, but did you know that Discord was first launched in 2015 as only a web app?

Starting as a web app allowed us to offer people a way to chat with their friends from the portability of their browsers, but to deliver the experience we wanted to offer, we needed to leap out of the browser and take to the desktop.  By using a web wrapper called Electron, we can run Discord in a browser-like environment but with access to all the extra little bits that allow us to offer features such as our In-Game Overlay. When we built that first executable on Windows, we had to decide whether to target 32-bit or 64-bit processors.  With 32-bit, you can write once and it will work pretty much everywhere thanks to Microsoft’s backwards compatibility layers. That makes sense for a first version of an application — it will work on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines while only needing one version of the app.

Performance-wise, 32-bit uses less memory than 64-bit, but sometimes to a fault: 32-bit applications have a hard restriction on memory usage, which using 64-bit architecture is meant to solve in the first place. Though running as a 32-bit application on a 64-bit machine gives us extra memory for Discord, we occasionally still hit the limit, causing errors or even crashes.

Discord is built using an assortment of many libraries, such as Electron and WebRTC, which together help us deliver the ideal desktop Discord experience to you. These tools have supported 64-bit builds for years now, and, in fact, default to 64-bit architecture.  As 64-bit becomes standard across more and more machines, we expect that it will receive significantly more refinement and bug fixes than 32-bit. If Discord were to stay on 32-bit for the foreseeable future, we may potentially expose ourselves — and in turn, our users — to new bugs and inefficiencies that aren’t addressed simply because there aren’t enough people maintaining 32-bit libraries to find them.

Why We’re Moving to 64-bit

Since Discord is intended for PC gamers to run alongside resource-heavy programs, like AAA game titles, we have to share GPU and CPU resources with those demanding programs without impacting their ability to talk with their friends while using Discord.  With this in mind, we intentionally added guardrails to Discord, such as capping Chromium’s memory allocation — we would rather Discord run out of memory than bring down your machine or your game! However, some pieces of Discord aren’t as easily limited.  Our native modules, such as voice, don’t have any limitations.

We keep tabs on Discord’s memory usage across our clients to keep track of our average and peak memory consumption so that we can stay knowledgeable about our real-world memory footprint across a wide variety of machines. This data also helps us identify if we've pushed inefficient code and allows us to quickly address these scenarios.

As we transitioned the app from 32-bit to 64-bit, we wanted to make sure the process was as seamless as possible.  We tried to figure out what was the best way to deliver the goods, from asking users to manually download the 64-bit client from our website to an in-app pop-up with a download link, and even a dedicated delivery mechanism. 

We ultimately decided to use our existing updater: It already delivers millions of updates successfully, we just need to add some smarts to prevent some edge cases from occurring, and then let it loose.  This is both painless and seamless — you just hit the update button when the client is 32-bit, it takes an update as per usual, and then when it relaunches, it’s magically 64-bit!

Implementing Automatic 64-bit Updates for Every Windows User 

At the start of this project, we technically did have the ability to produce 64-bit Windows builds internally… but only on our local development machines.  There were no automation or build machine implementations, which also meant there were no “official” builds nor updates.  Our first order of business was to empower us to produce and store 64-bit builds alongside our 32-bit ones, allowing us to produce signed builds and updates to 64-bit clients.

During this process, we updated various dependencies to their 64-bit versions. We also hit a small hiccup between our C++ and Rust ABIs, as one of the datatypes we used varied in size between 32-bit and 64-bit, while the corresponding type used a fixed-size structure.

For the clients, we pushed logic to the 32-bit client’s updater to detect the architecture of the system it was running on. This helped us recognize which machines were capable of receiving a 64-bit build, letting us scope the transition to just those machines.  A subset of those clients then attempted the transition and reported back their experience — any error during the transition process would have the app simply fall back to the 32-bit build.  Those that succeeded were now running a 64-bit application!

However, our updates have multiple features we had to disable to correctly deliver the update.  First, even though the updater is capable of updating specific native modules, we have to send a full update in order to guarantee all of the affected files are correctly migrated. Second, we also utilize delta updates, which are a special update that sends smaller packages when you are updating from the most recent update. Delta updates don’t know your system’s architecture, just Discord’s app version, and so we had no way to produce a second delta package nor detect a delta update to a 64-bit machine from a 32-bit machine.  

One final gotcha: our updater only takes “new” updates, and the transition was itself being delivered as an update. When we forked our builds between 32-bit and 64-bit, they shared the same version number. While they could increment independently of each other, we only ever produced builds simultaneously, meaning they stay in lockstep.

When we pushed any modification to the 32-bit updater, such as enabling clients to transition, those clients wouldn’t detect the 64-bit version that we had just pushed out because it would read its identical version as “not newer”. Those clients would wait until the next “released” update in order to transition, despite the fact they were capable of and theoretically had a target to transition to already. So we went with the simplest solution here: we bumped the 64-bit version by 100 version numbers, so it would always be “newer” than 32-bit updates. 

Being 100 versions newer wasn’t exactly true, but it gave us a leeway to push 100 updates to our 32-bit client before we would have to address the digital elephant-in-the-room again if we weren’t able to complete the 64-bit update before we used all 100 extra updates. (Spoiler: we completed the transition work with plenty of room to spare.)

More Bits Means Less Crashes 

Today, we have now rolled out the 64-bit transition to all 64-bit Windows machines at 100%.  We’re still seeing clients transitioning to this day, either from old 32-bit installers on someone’s primary machine or just someone dusting off that old gaming computer for a round of Quake 3.

From our telemetry of the 64-bit client in the wild, memory usage has gone slightly up — this was completely expected due to the architectural changes. Crash rates have gone down, due to a reduction in out of memory crashes from the extra memory available to us.  Happily, we’ve also seen CPU usage decrease, which leaves more for your games and other applications!

A line chart comparing memory usage between 32-bit and 64-bit clients over a one week time frame.
A line chart comparing CPU usage between 32-bit and 64-bit clients over a one week time frame.
A line chart the crash rates between 32-bit and 64-bit clients over a one week time frame.

If you’re someone passionate about helping people find a place to belong, love a good ol’ technical challenge, and want to help us deliver for our players and customers around the world, consider applying for an open position at Discord! Bring your unique skills to the table (or our work server) and help us build the best place for playing games and hanging out with friends.

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