A silhouette of a feminine figure overlayed with imagery of books, photography, gaming controllers, plants, and artistic tools. The phrase “Women's History Month” is shown next to the silhouette.
Discord HQ

How Discord Celebrated Women’s History Month 2024

Hey, everyone! We’re closing out the month of March and celebrating Women’s History Month with a spotlight on Discord’s own Women in Tech ERG: a community for inspiration, support, and opportunities for Discord employees who identify as women.

Internally at Discord, we kicked off Women’s History Month with a panel entitled, “How We Rise Together” led by our very own Kelly Liang, SVP of Global Partnerships. Kelly welcomed an ensemble of female executive leaders from across the Gaming, Tech, and Advertising industries, who shared inspiring, powerful insights for all that participated. 

We also hosted several Career Roundtables throughout the month, hosted by women and non-binary leaders at Discord. Members of the Women in Tech ERG and allies alike came together to have open conversations about the realities, challenges, and opportunities for women and non-binary folks in the workplace and discussed ways to support one another. 

As Discord is committed to building an inclusive and representative workforce – advocating for gender parity, equity, and inclusion in all that we do – this work doesn’t stop here. The Women In Tech ERG also runs ongoing sessions for community building, mentorship, career development, and nonprofit partnerships year-round.

Outside of our doors, there are countless communities of women and nonbinary folks online who are creating amazing content and revitalizing the gaming space. This month, our Women in Tech ERG and its allies would love to share a handful of their favorite vibrant gaming communities and content creators led by women.

  • the *gamehers: “The first and largest media platform and social networking community for women in gaming.”
  • The Galorants: A VALORANT community whose goal is to “make a positive community for marginalized genders.”
  • AnyKey: A non-profit organization that “fosters change in esports, competitive gaming, and live streaming.”
  • Omgitspotter: Twitch Streamer and “the captain and IGL of EG Valorant.” 
  • Raidiant: A “one-of-a-kind broadcast, events, and content platform that exists to improve conditions for women in gaming and esports.”

In honor of Women’s History Month, Discord is raising funds for Girls Who Code, an organization on a mission to close the gender gap in technology and change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. Discord is proud to honor communities online that are making the world a more thriving, inclusive place for women, girls, and nonbinary folks. 

If you’d like to be a part of the Women in Tech ERGs’ journey and Discord’s culture, we’d love to have you — consider taking a peek at our jobs page from time to time!  

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