Eight friends, represented by Discord characters, enjoying a group video call on Discord together. Some are playing games and reading books together, while others are watching movies and playing musical instruments. Everyone is having fun, smiling while talking away!
Engineering & Developers

From Blocky to Brilliant: Improving Video Quality on Discord Go Live on AMD GPUs

Discord’s Go Live feature is designed to bring high-quality, high-framerate streams of games or applications at a low enough latency that lets viewers talk and interact with the streamer in real time. Check out our first blog post all about Go Live here to catch up

To achieve both the quality and speed needed for Go Live, Discord uses its own custom capture and encoding code that integrates with operating systems and video drivers, using WebRTC to transport the video from streamer to viewer.

To keep latency low, WebRTC is constantly tuning target bitrates and frame rates based on what's going on in the transport in real time. 

Even with this parameter adaptation, we’ve seen cases where we weren’t happy with the visual quality or encoding performance of Go Live. Sessions using AMD graphics cards seemed particularly worse — we even had a Discord staff member tell us about the choppy and blocky streaming experience on their new PC with a recent AMD video card.

So… how can we fix this? Let’s dive in together and make Go Live the best it can be:

Too Many Key Frames

In video compression, a “key frame” is a self-contained video frame that depends on no previous content. When either a new viewer joins a Go Live session or an existing viewer loses the previous picture, a new key frame must be sent. Following the new key frame, a much smaller “delta frame” is used instead which only encodes the changes from the previous frame. 

In a well-behaved Go Live stream, key frames are typically 6 to 10 times the data size of a delta frame. These key frames need to be large enough to provide enough context for the following frames, but small enough to not congest the user’s network or slow down delivery of the video. One way to avoid the tradeoffs presented by optimizing key frames is to send as few key frames as possible.

When working to optimize Go Live, we found some of the adjustments we were making to key frames and delta frames ended up causing the encoder to completely reset and produce a new key frame every parameter update. Instead of getting a key frame every 60 seconds, we were spitting out keyframes *every time* webrtc signaled a frame rate change - up to once a second! Sending these large key frames at such a rapid rate was eating up all of the allocated bandwidth. 

A graph of VMAF scores, frame counts from 0 to 3600 form the ticks on the horizontal axis, VMAF score from 0 to 100 is on the vertical axis, VMAF score dips regularly on 120 frame intervals and more sporadically throughout. The legend suggests this clip targets an 8000 kbps from a clip called “gta_updating_keyint”
These regular dips in per-frame VMAF were caused by key frames.

To meet our target of one key frame per minute, we had been asking our encoder to update an internal key frame interval about once per second as frame rate counts were updating. However, this API was always forcing a new key frame. We stopped calling that API all together and instead just started counting frames and time on the outside to figure out when a key frame should be inserted.

Changing the API we used to ask the encoder for key frames solved this problem! Now, the system was only sending a key frame every 60 seconds, causing key frames to take up much less bandwidth. Less bandwidth, more streaming, more fun!

Low Quality Key Frames

We’ve made progress! But the visual quality of both the key frames and the rest of the stream was still lacking. If key frames are low quality, the encoder is going to have a harder time making the rest of the frames look good — especially with high-complexity content like the new 4X strategy game you’ve been wanting to stream. In addition, the pixel content of key frames is re-used by delta frames, meaning if the key frames are bad, those delta frames can wind up looking worse, too! 

Despite the final stream not looking so hot, we noticed our encoder wasn’t using the full power of the bitrate allocated to the video stream. Why wasn’t our encoder spending all the bits available to it to improve its stream’s quality?

When looking at each individual compressed frame coming out of the encoder (we have tools that act like microscopes for this!), we saw that the poor quality seemed to be caused by the encoder dutifully following a set of strict rate-targeting rules we gave it — whoops! We were asking the encoder to encode every frame by an equal fraction of the bit target —for example, at 60 fps we asked for each frame to be no more than one-sixtieth of the average bitrate. 

This might seem reasonable at first, but the encoder wasn’t provided with enough bits to start a fresh key frame since nothing was carrying over from previous pictures. The encoder treated the frame target as a hard limit, so it’s conservative about rate allocation within the frame, which caused each frame to undershoot its goal. And when the encoder undershoots on a frame, it couldn’t spend those leftover bits on the next frame. 

By relaxing the period of time in which the bitrate was expected to average out, we were able to get much higher quality key frames, better quality after the key frames, and achieved an average bitrate much closer to the target bitrate.

Plagued by the Frame Dropper

At this point, both the key frames and the subsequent frames looked much better, and standalone encoding worked well outside of the app. However, when we plugged all this power into Discord, we saw some… odd results: when streaming with our new encoding configuration, sometimes the frame rate would quickly fall from 60 fps to 30 fps and stay there for good. 

Once we did some digging into these new low framerates, we saw something strange going on: WebRTC would occasionally drop some frames if it thought the encoder was overshooting the target bitrate. When that happened, we would reconfigure the encoder with the lower frame rate at which the pipeline was running. This effectively meant assigning more bits to each remaining frame, causing individual frame sizes to go up and frame drops to compound. This process would repeat over and over until the frame dropper was dropping half the frames, which turned 60fps to 30fps. 

Once identified, the issue was easy to mitigate! By leaving a little bit of headroom to take into consideration the difference between the actual frame rate and the target frame rate, the encoder would no longer overspend right after a frame drop. As a bonus, frame drops from other sources such as the capture pipeline lagging would also be protected from overspend as they recovered on their own. 

With this fix in place, achieved frame rates not only recovered but exceeded their previous levels! 


We were able to drive a massive increase in perceptual quality on AMD cards like our staff member was using thanks to fewer key frames and less strict rate control. While the less-strict rate control drove some immediate FPS regressions, we were able to repair the FPS decrease by working around the limits of the frame dropper, and even increase the average FPS! Average FPS for streams targeting 60 FPS improved by 2 frames per second and the percentage of sessions seeing fewer than 50 FPS fell from 39% to 18%.  

Graph titled “Percent of session hitting less than 50 fps (when targeting 60, AMD GPU on Windows).” Horizontal axis is labeled with dates from July 1, 2023 to January 1, 2024. The vertical axis is labeled “percent of sessions” (ranging from 15 to 45). The line on the graph starts at 39% on July 1, wiggles up and down over time, and ends at 18% on January 1.

We hope you enjoyed our deep dive into this AMD mystery! If tackling problems such as this is something that you love, consider taking a peek at our Jobs page from time to time — we’d love to have you aboard!

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