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Discord Update: November 18, 2024 Changelog

Here are the Discord updates from November 18, 2024. You can also find the most recent updates in the Discord app under Settings > What's New.

The world of Arcane collides with Discord for the first time — and for the final time

We’re going all-in and bringing you a special Arcane collection in the Shop in celebration of the show’s final season, containing new Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects featuring Jinx, Vi, Ekko, and iconic Arcane technologies and weapons. 

Learn more on our blog, or head over to the Shop and grab your favorites! 

Forwarding and… Fish 

  • Wanna share something to another chat? Just Forward it! Stop stockpiling screenshots of messages you want to share — when hovering over a message, click the new “Forward” button, choose where to send it, and POOF! Off it goes… your storage space will thank you. 
  • Double-check what you’ve been playing while on Discord. Now you can open your profile on desktop to see a list of games you’ve recently played. You can also clear a game’s play history if you don’t want others to know you spent way too much time 3-ticking your Fishing to 99 in OSRS.
  • What fish weighs up to 2.5 tons? If you know the answer, you’ll be a pro at “Quiz Planet,” one of the latest Activities to hit the App Directory! Play with your friends and see which of you knows an unusual amount of info on some indie band no one’s heard of (except YOU apparently). 

Making Discord a Breeze

  • The mobile app’s waayy better at resizing itself while multitasking, perfect for those who constantly juggle Discord with other apps on their phone or tablet while also watching 2-hour parkour movies. One-block jump over to Patch Notes and see all the stuff we’ve fixed. 
  • On desktop, you can play TikTok embeds directly on Discord. Your friend can no longer hide by saying “i dont have tiktok installed” when you send them the hundredth mulch video in a week. Mmmmm… mulch….
  • Next time you go to react to a message, we’ll suggest your top 3 emojis to use. Whether this encourages you to diversify your emoji usage or stick to the same three you’ve used for years is up to you. 

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