Stacked street signs reading "Discord", "What's New", and "Jan".
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Discord Update: January 25, 2023 Changelog

Here's the Discord Changelog from January 25th, 2023. You can also find the most recent Changelog in the Discord app under Settings > What's New.

Desktop Changelog

New Year, More Bug Bashing

Twas the night before New Years and all through the Discord house, all the creatures were stirring and those creatures were bugs. Poetry isn’t our specialty, but bug bashing is. We are ringing in the new year with the extermination of around 100 Discord bugs, with what we’re calling the Great Discord Bug Bash!

  • Lightened up Light bugs. Let’s shine some light on how we lightened up Light Theme. In light of some discoveries, like a dark spot here or the wrong icon color there, we decided to fix those and bring some more light to Light Theme. This ought to enlighten the great debate of which theme is better. 
  • Less messed up text chat. Wumpus and the gang solved the mystery of the missing words. Sometimes words just disappeared when you sent them, which is of course less than ideal. So we fixed that and 20 other text-related errors like GIFs autoplaying correctly in forums, and now you can actually search text in a voice chat.
  • Streamlined Streamer Mode: Turning on Streamer Mode now hides both User Profiles and Server Profiles so you can give full attention to your adoring fans. We love that you love your face and going on camera is great, especially now that we fixed some bugs with the camera preview permissions.
  • Discord go brrrr. We’ve got a need, a need for speed so we made the app open faster and now you can get to more of the stuff you like in record time. 

Mobile (iOS & Android) Changelog

New Year, More Bug Bashing

Twas the night before New Years and all through the Discord house, all the creatures were stirring and those creatures were bugs. Poetry isn’t our specialty, but bug bashing is. We are ringing in the new year with the extermination of around 100 Discord bugs, with what we’re calling the Great Discord Bug Bash!

  • Less messed up text chat. Wumpus and the gang solved the mystery of the missing words. Sometimes words just disappeared when you sent them, which is of course less than ideal. So we fixed that and 20 other text-related errors like GIFs autoplaying correctly in forums, and now you can actually search text in a voice chat
  • Going somewhere? Ever click a notification on Android and it took you to the wrong destination? Believe it or not it wasn’t supposed to do that and now it doesn’t anymore. (alt: Sometimes you would click a notification on Android and it would take you to the wrong destination in Discord. As fun as navigation roulette is, we thought maybe it should take you where you want to go. So we fixed it.)
  • Discord go brrrr. We’ve got a need, a need for speed so we made the app open faster and now you can get to more of the stuff you like in record time.

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