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Discord Update: August 28, 2024 Changelog

Here are the Discord updates from August 28, 2024. You can also find the most recent updates in the Discord app under Settings > What's New.

Turn the volume up and listen in: Amazon Music Unlimited customers can hop into the new “Amazon Music Listening Party” Activity in voice calls or text chats and listen along to their favorite music or podcasts with their friends! 

Never tried Amazon Music before? Qualifying users can launch the Activity to redeem a three-month trial to try it out. Tune in to our blog to see how it all works. Available in select markets. Terms apply.

Along with the new Amazon Music Activity, we’ve got plenty more to share this month, includinggg:

What’s Happening? Dungeon Crawling.

  • Server member lists on desktop now showcase a member’s recent activity, including the games they’ve played and any jams they’ve listened to. Now you’ll know when your friend relaunches your favorite coop game for the first time in ages! 
  • Discord on Xbox is getting a big ol’ buff. Now you can see any active server voice channels or the games your Discord friends are playing on your Xbox friends list, directly call a Discord buddy, and watch someone’s Discord stream from your console! See how it works here.
  • Prepare for adventure in Roll20’s new Activity. Embark on a Dungeons & Dragons campaign or explore other popular RPG systems spanning multiple genres and settings with your friends in voice. Link your Roll20 account to access your existing characters and games in Discord! 

Make it BIG. Keep Things Mindful. 

  • You can finally resize the picture-in-picture window on desktop. This one has been a highly requested feature. Now, you can make your video call as BIG or as small as you want while exploring your servers and chats across Discord. 
  • Speaking of mindful, don’t miss our Teen Charter! We spoke directly with our teen users globally about what’s important for them to help keep their experiences on Discord comfy. Together, we’ve co-created our Teen Charter, a set of principles that matters most to teens: authenticity, inclusivity, privacy, and transparency. 

Our Engineering Team’s latest Patch Notes includes fixes such as the mobile app now sending you a notification if something you tried to send didn’t actually send (oops). See the latest they’ve shared here.

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