Discord is now three years old! According to three year old developmental milestones, we are capable of correctly naming familiar colors, drawing circles, and getting a headshot as Hanzo — feel the dragon — and yes that was a link to a tweet with the exact same joke. So joke I used it twice.
Really though, birthdays are a sacred opportunity for us to look back in time and see just how much love and support all of you have given us. It’s part surreal and part why am I crying?
We want to say thank you to everyone who wished us happy birthday! Thanks for all the fan art, kind words, and good vibes~~
We also asked our HypeSquad to share their favorite Discord memories with the hashtag #discordmemories. Our hearts were collectively warmed by all your reminiscing. There’s so many laughs and so much love that it feels like shopping at a boutique pillow store. Live, Laugh, Love — My Dudes.
Check out the #discordmemories hashtag to see all the love.
Furthermore, Discord itself has grown a tremendous amount since our birthday in May of last year. Let’s take a graphical look at how Discord has evolved since then.

As you can graphically digest, year three was pretty amazing for us. We’re consistently blown away by how much support all of you give us. It’s a wind tunnel of love. We look forward to the wind that comes in year four.
The “Crying Happy Tears” Discord Team