Clyde and Nelly against a dark, blurred background. Icons of crowns, trophies, stars, and other gaming-related objects float in the distance.
Product & Features

Discord Patch Notes: August 1, 2024

Welcome to Patch Notes! In this series, we comb through the newest changes in performance, reliability, responsiveness, usability, and general bug-squishing we’ve done to make Discord better. 

If you discover a bug of your own, check out our Bimonthly Bug Megathread on the community-ran r/DiscordApp subreddit. Tell us what’s been bothering you and our Engineering team will be more than happy to check it out. 

All fixes listed below have been committed and merged, but may still be rolling out to individual platforms at the time of this post.


  • Starting several weeks ago, many users reported two distinct issues: one would cause Discord to turn blank/gray while not in focus and one would cause intermittent disconnects from voice channels. These were hard to narrow down, but we believe they’ve been resolved for the vast majority of users who were experiencing them over the past few weeks. Please contact us using the Bimonthly Bug Megathread if you’re continuing to experience either issue in a recent client version.
  • We added improved presence information for Group DMs! GDMs now show typing indicators and online status if at least one other user in the GDM is online. In addition, GDMs will now show the profile pictures of other users in the chat on Desktop if you haven’t added an icon to the group chat. 
  • Message send retries and message send failures are now more intuitive and reliable on mobile. We’ve tweaked how long Discord will attempt to send your message before failing, and we now send a push notification to inform you if a message fails to send. This should be a better experience for everyone when messages fail to be sent due to connectivity issues.
  • Over the last few weeks, we’ve optimized each portion of the expression picker (Stickers, GIFs, and Emoji). These flows show up to 50% reductions in the frequency of dropped render frames on Android and ~7.5% reduction in memory usage in our testing. You may also notice significantly less blanking during scrolling of large amounts of assets in these flows. 
  • We also spent time optimizing the list of friends in New Message flows for DMs/GDMs. Scrolling through your friends list when starting a new conversation should feel much faster. We measured 20-35% reductions in dropped render frames across several devices in our testing of this experience.
  • We’ve started to integrate with Apple’s “Communication Notifications” on iOS to improve our notification functionality. There are a couple of benefits here, but one of the biggest things you’ll notice is that notifications now show the avatar of the user who messaged you.


  • Fixed a bug that caused very long (honestly, ridiculously long) GDM names to not format properly in the tooltip and render off-screen. 
  • Profile edit previews now have a max width. Before, if you had a lengthy word in the profile, the profile edit preview would just expand rather than wrap the word. 
  • Resolved color issues with the Shop loader on Light theme. 
  • Resolved an incorrect padding issue on iOS after adding a friend on a new account. 
  • Unbanning users should now immediately remove them from the ban list in the UI. 
  • The “Registered Games” dropdown in settings now populates and renders properly on Linux. 
  • Fixed a spacing issue that caused pinned polls to be positioned too far to the right. 
  • The bottom border of forum channels now themes properly on mobile. 
  • Resolved an issue where server banners could be misaligned for mobile users.
  • Fixed a bug that caused empty cutouts in profile images for friend request notifications on Desktop.
  • We resolved an edge case with guilds that have lots of events which caused their members to become rate-limited unintentionally. This could cause all kinds of different actions to fail for users in affected guilds. 
  • If users have a sticker from a particular server favorited and then leave the server, the sticker is no longer shown in the picker. Previously, the sticker would show but be unusable.
  • Updates to frequently used emojis now respect which account is logged in for users that use multiple accounts/account switching on Desktop. 
  • Resolved an issue that caused improper theming on the “Add App” icon in Light theme.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent users from swapping between tabs in the Privacy & Safety settings.
  • Fixed a coloring issue with the members list search entry area in the Members List of Server Settings. 
  • Cropping a server banner on mobile now properly crops the image at a 16:9 aspect ratio instead of 1:1.


  • Resolved an issue where touch input could be severely misaligned when trying to mark a server as read on Android. 
  • Resolved a tricky race condition on mobile clients that could cause User A to see messages they sent as being sent by User B. This only affected User A’s client and would clean up shortly after via normal usage.
  • Fixed a bug that caused messaging and the channel list to break on mobile if you navigated to a channel via an in-app notification while looking at an image.
  • Clicking on a server-specific role mention should no longer show an error saying “You don’t have access to this link”. 
  • Resending a failed message that replied to another message should now properly reply to the message. Before this fix, it would incorrectly send a non-reply message instead. 
  • Fixed a bug that caused the chat input in a new thread sidebar to get cropped by the edge of the app. 
  • When the app opens to a channel that has many unread messages, the channel should no longer be marked as read incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue on iOS that could cause the cursor in the message composer to jump between lines of multiline messages incorrectly while typing.  
  • Resolved an issue where adding a special character right after a link to a Discord message would incorrectly generate an embed instead of a Discord link. 
  • Resolved an issue with message reply preview icons that could cause them to render in the wrong place.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the wrong channel to open when opening the mobile app via a notification. 

Activities and Apps

  • Activity in text frames should now have consistently behaving rounded corners: they’ll have rounded corners when empty space exists, and no rounded corners if no empty space exists. 
  • Resolved a slight spacing issue in the interaction modal with Bots/Apps. 
  • When a thread is created via webhook, we now properly set the thread’s initial message with the webhook content. 
  • Resolved an API issue where we were returning an incorrect error message when sending user app commands without permissions. 
  • The close button on the “Launch Activity” frame in voice calls no longer migrates between UI frames when the chat sidebar is resized.
  • Resolved an issue where the activity button in mobile voice calls lost its background. 
  • The app launcher now properly takes up the full chat input width on tablets. 
  • Resolved a potential issue where users could be incorrectly reconnected to an activity after they left. 


  • We added Go-Live capture card support for macOS. Previously, this was Windows only due to some known issues. These issues are resolved so we enabled support. Enjoy!
  • Users can now resize the in-app PIP on Desktop for video calls and Go-Live streams that renders when navigating the app during an active call. This was a frequently requested feature, so we’re particularly excited to ship this improvement! 
  • Resolved a very short-lived issue where iOS users were unable to enable their camera in calls. 
  • The echo cancellation setting in voice and video settings should no longer disappear while Krisp is active.
  • Resolved a couple of minor issues with call header text being misaligned on iOS.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the voice chat UI to no longer update to the speaking user when your call is in PiP mode. 
  • Cleaned up the animation played during the transition to full-screen when watching another user’s stream.
  • Users should now be able to share their screen while also watching a screen share in the web client.


  • Fixed a regression where the “save” option in the media viewer for GIFs was no longer available. 
  • Resolved a bug that caused portrait images to embed improperly, which manifested as incorrectly cropped images. 
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from opening GIFs properly on iOS. 
  • Resolved an issue that caused the progress indicator to get stuck when uploading an image. 
  • The buttons in the media player now respect Light theme appropriately. 
  • GIFs are now categorized as “media” in search on mobile. 
  • Embedded videos that are particularly tall or short should no longer have spacing issues around the video.
  • Media viewer should now function properly when viewing content on the iPad app while it’s currently in Split View. 
  • Fixed an issue where .gif file attachments would not play properly if the extension was capitalized (”.GIF”).
  • Fixed a bug in Forum channels where adding an image to an existing post would remove any other files attached to the post. 
  • Failed file uploads should no longer disappear when restarting the app.


  • The “More Options” button when viewing a photo/video is no longer mislabeled as “Share” when using a screen reader.
  • Resolved an issue affecting screen readers where the “Messages” text at the top of DMs wasn’t marked as a heading. 
  • The “Discord TOS and Privacy Policy” checkbox during registration now has an accessible name. 
  • Users with screen readers should now be able to navigate to “Back” and “All Albums” in the expanded media keyboard using swipe gestures. 
  • The “View User Profile” button in chat now has an accessible name. 
  • The “Enter a username” input field in the flow for adding friends by username now has an accessible name. 
  • Voiceover users can now properly interact with the “Date of Birth” button in the account creation flows.
  • The phone number input field on the “Find your friends” screen now has an accessible name. 
  • The heading for the “Find your friends” flow is now correctly marked up as a heading for screen readers.
  • Resolved a VoiceOver issue in which certain modal menus were announced as a slider incorrectly. 
  • The “Add by Username” text in the add friend flow on mobile is now properly marked up as a heading for screen readers.

All relative measurements cited were performed internally with our own instrumentation and tooling.

… oh hey, you read everything! If you’re itching for the latest updates to Discord, you can find our previous Patch Notes articles here, or check out our archive of past Changelogs if you’re more into the fun stuff.  

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