A cybernetic, neon-colored Discord birthday banner that reads "Activities are staying open for all".

Celebrate Discord’s 8th Birthday with Free Activities and More

Update: We had such a fun time playing together, Activities will continue to be open to all! Read on to see the original celebration for our 8th birthday.

🎂🎂🎂🎊🎊 We are EIGHT YEARS OLD TODAY! (WOW) 🎊🎊🎂🎂🎂 

Eight years of gathering with your friends on Discord and spending time together. You’ve been getting a few rounds of your favorite game in, discussing which fan-ship from that anime you’re obsessed with is best, or staying up late into the night in Voice with your best friends. At this rate, we’ll qualify for a senior discount at the local deli… mmm, corned beef…  

Between May 15–June 15, we’re celebrating our eighth Discord birthday, and you’re invited! (Yeah, YOU!) Read on to see what’s in store for our birthday celebrations. 

Party With Your Friends: For our Birthday, All Activities are Free!

Alt-text: Key artwork for Discord’s Eighth Birthday. In bold, stylised lettering reads “Activities are free for all through June 15th.”

Between May 15–June 15, ALL ACTIVITIES ARE FREE. Yes, you read that right: Sketch Heads? Sketch your heart out for free. Putt Party? More like FREE Party. Bobble League? Enter the big leagues for the low price of FREE — just click the rocketship (🚀) button and get playin’!

Two users playing an Activity in a Discord server. The Activity button is circled in the screenshot.

For a whole month starting on our birthday, everyone is invited to enjoy any of our Activities for free, even if you aren’t currently a Nitro member. Because what’s better than celebrating by playing games with your friends over Discord? Oh, ya’know, playing them when they’re free.

Just made some new friends and don’t share a mutual server with them to enjoy Activities in? Now, you can launch and enjoy Activities while in a voice call in DMs and Group DMs using the rocketship (🚀) button while in a call, just like you can in a server’s Voice channel. If you’ve found yourself in a debate that can only be solved with a good ol’ Chess duel, hop on a private call with your friend in a DM and play there instead of on a server.  

Never played an Activity before and wanna see what’s possible? Head on over to either our Activities blog post to see what’s available or the support article for the real nitty-gritty info. Don’t forget: Activities are now available on mobile, so you’ll always be ready to battle it out in Blazing 8s.

More Ways to Party for Discord’s Birthday! Stay tuned.

Keep the party going! Come back to this section each week to discover more ways to celebrate our birthday with us.

  • [NEW ACTIVITY UPDATE] Putt Party Paradise -  More levels and new power-ups make it the perfect time to start putting (and partying). Click the in-app rocketship (🚀) button and get playin’!
  • [NEW ACTIVITY] Jamspace - A collaborative digital whiteboard anyone in the call can contribute to. Map out your next MMO raid mid-call or just doodle together!
  • [NEW ACTIVITY UPDATE] Poker Night Update - Poker Night goes all in with new stickers, emotes, cardbacks and plenty more.
  • [FINAL UPDATE] We had such a fun time playing together, Activities will continue to be open to all. Happy birthday, y'all!

Nitro Members Can Celebrate Birthday With Special Perks

Your friends are together in Voice, playing Sketch Heads, blaring some party airhorns using Soundboard, and using Reactions in Voice to cover your screen in 🎉 emojis … the only thing that’s missing is your trusty Personal Party Equipment (PPE for short). 

During our birthday celebration, Nitro members can join the party in style with a new set of Avatar Decorations. Head to User Settings > Profiles on either desktop or mobile and choose from a selection of snazzy new decorations, such as headphones, space-ready helmets, and a HUD interface to make yourself look like you’re piloting a mech. 

An animated preview of the new set of Avatar Decorations that are available during the birthday celebrations.

Birthday parties aren’t complete without gifting something to the friends you care about. That’s why, Nitro members can share a special two-week trial of Discord Nitro with up to three of their soon-to-be-lucky friends

If one of your friends is eligible for a Nitro trial, you’ll see a new Nitro-shaped button when you go to talk to them in DMs. Select that, and you can offer them one of your three free trials. They’ll be able to use the special birthday avatar decorations and try out our newest features like Super Reactions, Color Themes, and more.

Both of these Nitro perks are around for a full month, and will end on June 15.

Join the Party in the Discord Town Hall Server!

The party’s not the same without you! Join us in the Discord Town Hall server, where we’ll be hosting a wide array of events and surprises for the next thirty days, including special Activity Game Nights featuring Discord Staff, an Activities Tournament, and running community events throughout the month. 

Discord Town Hall server located in Server Discovery, reading "Welcome to Discord Town Hall—the official place for general conversation as well as hanging out with the community."

We may even have some surprises in store… but ya gotta swing by the Town Hall server to be in the know. Use everyone’s favorite blurple button below to join the Discord Town Hall community. We’ll be waitin’ for ya. 💖

New Mech-Themed Discord Merch

Get in the hoodie, Wumpus. 

Introducing the DISXCORE collection: a selection of stylish, streetwear-inspired apparel. Alongside favorites like shirts, hoodies, pins, and water bottles. Unique to the DISXCORE line are a sling bag, a women’s fit tee, and a button-down shirt.

A preview of the DISXCORE merch line, including three shirts, a sling bag and a Wumpus pin.

Plus, complete your desk setup with a set of Wumpus-themed Wave:3 Microphone and Stream Deck from our friends at Elgato. Have Wumpus bring your crisp, clear voice to your friends as if you were in the same room as them.

The DISXCORE line drops Wednesday, May 17 at 10am PDT. In the meantime, check out everything the Discord Merch Store has on offer and bookmark the store for when DISXCORE drops:

An Emoji Birthday Gift to @everyone from Riot Games

Discord is home to a seemingly endless amount of community spaces big and small that help make people feel like they have a place to call home on the platform. It probably sounds pretty obvious saying this out loud, but a good chunk of these servers involve gaming with your friends late into the night.

Our buddies at Riot Games are offering @everyone a special set of Riot-themed Discord emojis that anyone can download and add to their servers. They’re based on characters from Riot's own games, so you’ll likely recognize a few faces if you play any of their games. Even if you don’t play any games at all, they’re still really adorable emojis.  

A preview of the special set of Riot-themed emojis.

Download the whole set and add ‘em to your own Discord community over at Riot’s blog

Celebrate Discord’s Birthday, Together

Eight whole years. That’s just as many years as slices of a decently-sized pizza for two. These last eight years wouldn’t have been possible without you, so we just wanted to say: thank you. We hope you enjoy all the festivities we’ve planned for you! 

Got a favorite Activity that you were able to try during our birthday celebrations? Did your friend really really appreciate being able to try out Nitro with the trial you gifted them? Tell us how you’re celebrating our 8th birthday over on TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter! We’ll even be sharing some more news regarding Activities soon, so keep an eye on our always-updated Activities blog for the latest updates. 

Need some help with any of these features? Peruse our Activities, Avatar Decorations, Sharing Nitro with a Friend, and Merch Store Help Center articles. (Yes, our Merch Store has a support article. Always gotta be prepared, ya’know?)

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