The words “Arcane, League of Legends” are under the Riot Games and Discord logos. Arcane characters Jinx and Vi are shown alongside the two logos.
Product & Features

Celebrate Arcane’s Second Season with a new Shop Collection

The final season of Arcane has begun. If you’re reading this blog post and haven’t seen the first batch of episodes... WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GO WATCH RIGHT NOW!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA-

*ahem* As we were saying... 

Like many of you, we’re huge fans of the show and League of Legends itself. With the final season in full swing, we want to help celebrate in style by bringing the magic, madness, and mayhem of Arcane to your Discord profile. 

We’re excited to finally share what we’ve been cooking up leading up to this moment: we’re going all-in and bringing you a special Arcane collection in the Shop!

A preview of two profiles, each using a set of Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects from the Arcane Shop collection. 

Add your favorites to your profile and remember everything that happened in that final season — how you and your friends were chatting away as you watched it, listening to each other’s reactions and the maybe-laughs, maybe-tears it brought to everyone. (After all, who knows what’ll happen...?) 

Use the button below to jump straight to the Shop, or keep scrolling to learn more about the Arcane collection. 

Get Ready for Season 2 with the Arcane Shop Collection

The world of Arcane collides with Discord for the first time — and for the final time

This season’s been wild so far and the finale’s gonna be massive, we just know it. As the final episodes release, we’re bringing you the opportunity to rep your favorite Arcane characters across your chats and communities on Discord! 

Check out our Arcane collection in the Shop, containing new Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects featuring Jinx, Vi, Ekko, and iconic Arcane technologies and weapons from the show.  

A preview of some of the items from the new Arcane Shop collection. 

We’ve been working on these items for a long time. For each piece of the Arcane collection, we started by carefully picking which iconic Arcane imagery would go best on your Discord profile. From there, we get to sketching, coloring, and of course, the final step: animating! 

A demonstration of the creation process of the Jinx & Pow-Pow Profile Effect. The image shows the steps from Concept, to the 2D sketching and coloring phases, and finally the animation process.

Each item takes several months of ideation, planning, and finally, creation from scratch to finish. We really hope you enjoy using them as much as we did making them! 

Add your Arcane favorites to your collection while they’re available — check out the Shop here: 

You’re probably gonna be talking about the crazy things that happen between Jinx, Vi, and everyone in Arcane — we know we are. If your friends start DM’ing you asking who your favorite characters are and whose story ends on a good note, just point them toward your profile — after all, you’re too busy watching to talk right now. 

There’s more to look forward to: Keep your eyes out for a second drop of even MORE Arcane decorations in the Shop on November 18th, designed around some mysterious aspects of Arcane that have yet to be revealed… until this weekend’s batch of episodes, that is. Shhhh... :) 

Got any questions? We got you — this is a teamfight, after all! Send a message to us on X if you need backup.

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